A Wholehearted Welcome to Purna Satsang. Thank you for being here.
Be guided by the call of your heart, if you feel a resonance with Satsang Infusions.
Purna Satsang is not a teaching, a system, an approach or lineage. It is a simple, alive transmission of Light, of Silent Presence. A joyous celebration of the bliss of Being, the pure radiant Light of Divine Wholeness shining in every heart. We rest in the premise You Already Are.
Start by listening to infusions on our YouTube channel. If there is a resonance, you are so welcome to attend Satsang on Tuesday or Friday. Send a message to the office and we will register you.
It will be a natural flow to join a weekend immersion if this Satsang feels aligned for you.
An in-person retreat is for those who have been regularly attending Satsang and are deepening and sincere about living in remembrance of Wholeness and the freedom of Love.
Join Satsang because there is a recognition this is the guidance your heart is asking for, that you can feel a natural resonance of Truth. Let the heart guide you, not the mind.
You will only ever be pointed to the Light within and the fine frequency of True Being. Purna serves to ignite your longing, illuminate your knowing and support you as you refine, purify and remember the truth of who you are. Total natural autonomy. Purna is not interested in followers and will redirect any devotional projections towards her back to you. You are Divine Light.
Purna Satsang is a companion supporting you to trust your inner knowing of Being, illuminate and free the learned constraints of the mind’s governance, align with Nature, remember and resonate at the frequency of Pure Light and refine the nervous system enabling natural opening to finer frequencies of divine wholeness and abidance as the Love that you are. This process is about undoing the great misunderstanding and human conditioning rooted in a sense there is something wrong and the habit to keep attempting to fix and change.
Purna will happily answer all questions in Satsang and you are welcome to ask her anything. Pointings are direct, clear and loving. Purna connects with each being uniquely and in natural companionship.
Purna Satsang is ideal for sincere seekers and those who have had awakening experiences, those who are committed to freedom from the mind and remembering wholeness, and would flower in the grace of a focused, small sangha environment. Purna clearly presents what it takes to refine and carry this deepening remembrance into finer and finer frequencies of radiant Wholeness.
What unfolds in this sangha is wholistic and all encompassing. We resonate in the silent clarity of Being and prioritize the true longing of the heart. We see the play of life as the flow of grace that is here to free us, it opens the heart and humbles us out of protections and conditionings. This allows a turnaround of the deeply held misunderstanding and belief in separation, when seen from true perspective, which is essential to open fully into the remembrance of Divine Light - True Perfect Love. The work that happens is deep and can be intense, but the profound holding in the sangha is supreme.
Purna’s life is dedicated to the ones she is here to support and guide and she works wholeheartedly with those who are ready to Shine and live as Love. She sits with a small sangha for this reason. Generally she only meets privately with those in Satsang, who are familiar with the sharing. The exception being private meetings with teachers and sincere beings needing guidance. If you are pulled to connect in please trust your intuitive knowing and do so.
If your heart is called, you are so welcome. Please send a message to the office with any questions or to register, present yourself in a message.
Thank you.
A note about mental health:
Please know that this work is deep and stirring and not always right for those dealing with mental health issues, as it can and does surface old material and trauma. Whilst we share in depth ways of meeting, releasing and purifying old stresses, the nervous system has to be able to cope with refinement. Please do not see Satsang as an alternative for seeking the care needed to keep mental health in balance. If you have any questions in this regard please contact the office - Thank you.